
Karl Kügle presented his research on the Koblenz fragments
On 15 May Karl Kügle presented his research on the Koblenz fragments at the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw. [Abstract] The Koblenz fragments: a new source of late medieval music, and the aesthetics of late fifteenth-century bookbinding. The newly discovered Koblenz fragments (Landeshauptarchiv, Best. 701 Nr. 243, front and rear…
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Recreating the sounding past
Dutch musicologist Jaap van Benthem spent a few days in Prague to supervise a recording of music by the 15th-century Flemish composer Johannes Tourout with Czech singers Barbora Kabátková, Hana Blažíková, Tomáš Lajtkep, Ondřej Holub and Jaromír Nosek.
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Workshop ‘Preserving and Transforming Sound Memories’
10 and 13 April 2018, Prague & Warsaw This workshop organised in cooperation between the Prague, Cambridge and Warsaw teams including Associate Partners Schola Gregoriana Pragensis and Anonymous III investigated some basic issues of the SoundMe project through three specific types of musical material:
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REGNUM ET IMPERIUM – festive concert with Schola Gregoriana Pragensis and Anonymous III
Prague, 11 April 2018 This concert was organised by SoundMe on behalf of the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the Czechoslovak Republic in cooperation with the music festival Vítání jara (Welcome, Spring) and the City of Prague. The concert programme reflected spiritual traditions which contributed to the constitution of a medieval Bohemian state, culminating…
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Lecture by Gancarczyk in Basel
On 10 April 2018 Paweł Gancarczyk gave a lecture on ‘Petrus Wilhelmi de Grudencz (b. 1392) and the concept of Central Europe in musicological research’ at the University of Basel. In his presentation, he discussed the paradigm of ‘Western European’ historiography which regards Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary as ‘Eastern Europe’.
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Hlávková and Ciglbauer interviewed by Czech Radio
9 April – Prague team members Lenka Hlávková and Jan Ciglbauer were invited by Czech Radio to talk about the Sound Memories project and current research in early music within the broadcast programme “Reflexe”.
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Public Lectures by Gancarczyk, Kügle and Rankin at Oxford conference on music fragments
19-21 March 2018 Karl Kügle (Utrecht team), Susan Rankin (Cambridge team), and Paweł Gancarczyk (Warsaw team) presented recent research results at the international fragmentology conference Membra disiecta musicae convened by Dr Giovanni Varelli at Magdalen College, University of Oxford.
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6th SoundMe Seminar in Warsaw
On the 27th of February 2018 Jan Ciglbauer (Prague team) and Manon Louviot (Utrecht team) presented the outcomes of their research at the 6th SoundMe seminar in Warsaw. The seminar, convened by professor Paweł Gancarczyk (Warsaw team), was attended by researchers and students from the Polish Academy of Sciences and the University of Warsaw, as…
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Public Concert by AP Anonymous III in Selwyn College Chapel, Cambridge
9 March 2018 AP Anonymous III and Choral Scholars from Cambridge University performed a concert of music themed around Marian devotion at Selwyn College Chapel in Cambridge. The programme included chant, sequences, hymns, trouvère song, and medieval polyphony from the 12th and 13th centuries studied by Adam Mathias (Cambridge team).
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Public Lecture by Karl Kügle on the Koblenz fragments at All Souls College, Oxford
On 8 March 2018, Karl Kügle (Utrecht team) presented the latest results of his SoundMe research on the Koblenz fragments in the Seminar in medieval and renaissance music convened by Dr Margaret Bent at All Souls College, University of Oxford.
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