Petrus Wilhelmi de Grudencz: Probleumata enigmatum, Ms. II A 6, fol. 328v (Codex Franus) – with kind permission of Muzeum východních Čech (East Bohemian Museum) in Hradec Králové (Czech Republic).
OA denotes items published in Open Access. OA links will be provided as soon as they become available.
A. Project essay volume
Sounding the Past: Music as History and Memory. Ed. by Karl Kügle. Sub-editors: Paweł Gancarczyk, Inga Mai Groote, Lenka Hlávková, Susan Rankin.
With contributions by:
- Antonio Chemotti,
- Jan Ciglbauer,
- David Eben,
- Daniele Filippi,
- Paweł Gancarczyk,
- Bartłomiej Gembicki,
- Inga Mai Groote,
- Lenka Hlávková,
- Karl Kügle,
- Manon Louviot,
- Adam Mathias,
- Susan Rankin,
- Christine Roth and
- Emanuel Signer.
Epitome musical. Turnhout: Brepols, 2020. OA
B. Scholarly monographs
Chemotti, Antonio. The Hymnbook of Valentin Triller (Wrocław 1555): Musical Past and Regionalism in Early-Modern Silesia. Warsaw: Instytut Sztuki Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 2020. OA → epub.uni-regensburg.de/43464
Ciglbauer, Jan. Cantio um 1400: Ausgangspunkte – Kontexte – Ausstrahlung. Hildesheim: Olms Verlag, in press (expected 2020). OA
Ciglbauer, Jan. Septem Dies: Seven Days at Prague University (book + OA CD recording). Prague: Supraphon, in press (expected 2020).
C. Dissertations
Ciglbauer, Jan. ‘Cantiones Bohemicae – Komposition und Tradition’. PhD diss. Charles University Prague, 2017.
Gembicki, Bartłomiej. ‘Psalmy, mity i memy: nieszpory w Wenecji od Willaerta do Gardinera’. PhD diss. Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2019. OA expected 2020/2021.
Louviot, Manon. ‘Controlling space, disciplining voice: the Congregation of Windesheim and fifteenth-century monastic reform in Northern Germany and the Low Countries’. PhD diss. Utrecht University, 2019. OA → You can read it here
Mathias, Adam. ‘Creating clausulae at Notre-Dame-de-Paris: a study of compositional processes and techniques’. PhD diss. University of Cambridge, 2020. OA → You can read it here
Roth, Christine. ‘Traditionsbindungen in der lutherischen Musikkultur des 16. und frühen 17. Jahrhunderts: Studien zu Repertoire und Kontexten‘. PhD diss. University of Zurich, 2019.
D. Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Gembicki, Bartłomiej. ‘Early music recording as mythography: Monteverdi and the “other” Vespers’, submitted to Early Music. OA
Groote, Inga Mai. ‘Isaac als “alter Meister”? Zur Traditionsbindung in der lutherischen Musikpflege des späten 16. Jahrhunderts’, Musiktheorie 34, no. 3 (2020, in press), special thematic issue Der Komponist Heinrich Isaac: Kontexte und Rezeptionen.
Groote, Inga Mai. ‘David Chytraeus und die (implizite) Geschichte der geistlichen Musik’, in Musiktheorie 31, no. 3 (2017), 243-56.
Kügle, Karl. ‘The Koblenz fragments and the aesthetics of church reform’, in progress.
Kügle, Karl. ‘Vitry in the Rhineland: a provisional report’, in Early Music 46, no. 3 (2018), 393–402. OA → https://doi.org/10.1093/em/cay050
Kügle, Karl. ‘Review of Catherine Saucier, A Paradise of Priests: Singing the Civic and Episcopal Hagiography of Medieval Liège (Rochester: University of Rochester Press, 2014)’, Journal of the American Musicological Society 70, no. 3 (2017), 857-860. → Available as PDF
Marinescu, Ruxandra. ‘The motet O bicornix/A touz jours/Virgo dei genitrix in manuscript Dijon, Bibliothèque municipale 525’, accepted for publication by Viator (expected publication date: 2021). OA
E. Book chapters
Gancarczyk, Paweł. ‘Preserved or destroyed? Questions on sources of local polyphony in fifteenth-century Central Europe’, in Giovanni Varelli (ed.) Disiecta Membra Musicae: Studies in Musical Fragmentology, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2020. OA → You can read it here
Groote, Inga Mai. ‘Lutheranising through music: traces of the confessional soundscapes of early seventeenth-century Wolfenbüttel and Braunschweig’, in Iain Fenlon, Marie-Alexis Colin, and Matthew Laube (eds.), Crossing Boundaries: Music and Conversion in the Early Modern City. Turnhout: Brepols, in press (expected 2020).
Hascher-Burger, Ulrike. ‘O Maria, Maria! Stapelstrukturen in einem Marientropus um 1600’, in M. Kirnbauer (ed.), Beredte Musik: Konversationen zum 80. Geburtstag von Wulf Arlt, Basel: Schwabe Verlag, 2018, 135-42.
Kügle, Karl. ‘The aesthetics of fragments: reading pastedowns in context or, late medieval bookbinders, readers, and their choices’, in Giovanni Varelli (ed.), Disiecta Membra Musicae: Studies in Musical Fragmentology, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2020. OA → You can read it here
Louviot, Manon. ‘”Elle meuglait comme une génisse”: fonctions de la vocalité chantée dans le monastère de Diepenveen au XVe siècle’, in La Voix au Moyen Âge: Actes du 50e congrès de la SHMESP, Paris: Editions de la Sorbonne, 2020, 283-95.
Roth, Christine. ‘“Lutheri cantilenae” und “odae ecclesiasticae”: Traditionsdeutungen bei David Chytraeus und Franz Eler’, submitted for publication in Franz Körndle et al. (eds.), Das musikalische Erbe der Reformation (München: Allitera Verlag).
Roth, Christine. ‘Das Lied Ein feste Burg im Schaffen des Michael Praetorius: Von der Aktualisierung musikalischer Traditionen’, in Klaus Fitschen, Marianne Ströter, Christopher Spehr, Ernst-Joachim Waschke (eds.), Kulturelle Wirkungen der Reformation – Cultural Impact of the Reformation. Kongressdokumentation Lutherstadt Wittenberg August 2017. Vol. 1. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Leipzig, 2019, 345-54.
Roth, Christine. ‘Die nachreformatorische Musikpflege an der Grimmer Marienkirche im 16. und frühen 17. Jahrhundert – eine Rekonstruktion’, in W. Schmidt, H. Porada (eds.), Kirchliches Leben zwischen Trebel und Strelasund. Kiel: Verlag Ludwig, 2019, 353-60.
F. Critical editions
Chemotti, Antonio. The Polyphonic Hymns of Valentin Triller’s Ein Schlesich singebüchlein (Wrocław 1555). Warsaw: Institute of Art, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2019. OA
→ Via this link you can download the publication
G. A series of articles curated by Lenka Hlávková in the Czech music magazine Harmonie
Hlávková, Lenka. ‘Paměť a tradice v evropské hudební kultuře pozdního středověku a raného novověku: úvod’ [‘Memory and tradition within European music culture of the late Middle Ages and early modern period: introduction’], in Harmonie, no. 11 (2018), 16-17.
Mathias, Adam. ‘“Zacházení s minulostí” v hudbě Paříže 13. Století’ [‘“Uses of the Past” in the music of 13th-century Paris’], in Harmonie, no. 12 (2018), 14-16.
Ciglbauer, Jan. ‘Hudba na středoevropských univerzitách 14. a 15. Století’ [‘Music in Central European universities of the 14th and 15th centuries’], in Harmonie, no. 1 (2019), 14-16.
Roth, Christine. ‘David Chytraeus a význam minulosti pro luteránskou hudbu a liturgii’ [‘David Chytraeus and the importance of the past for Lutheran music and liturgy’], in Harmonie, no. 2 (2019), 26-29.
Gancarczyk, Paweł. ‘Petrus Wilhelmi de Grudencz kdysi a nyní’ [‘Petrus Wilhelmi de Grudencz, past and present’], in Harmonie, no. 3 (2019), 16-19.
Hascher-Burger, Ulrike. ‘Zpívání v chmurných časech: Hudba v amsterdamském dvoře bekyní na počátku 17. Století’ [‘Singing in dreary times: music from the Amsterdam beguinage in the early 17th century’), in Harmonie, no. 4 (2019), 24-27.
Chemotti, Antonio. ‘Uchovávání zvukové paměti ve střední Evropě: polyfonní píseň Martir Christi’ [‘Preserving sound memories in Central Europe: the polyphonic song Martir Christi’], in Harmonie, no. 5 (2019), 46-48.
Gembicki, Bartłomiej. ‘Návrat Monteverdiho hudby ke kořenům?’ [‘Bringing Monteverdi’s music back to its source?’], in Harmonie, no. 6 (2019), 24-26.
Groote, Inga Mai. ‘Hymny a moteta, paměť a minulost: hudební praxe v běžném životě německých luteránů v raném novověku’ [‘Hymns and motets, memory and history: musical practices in the daily life of early modern Lutherans in Germany’], in Harmonie, no. 6 (2019), 22-25.
Hradecká, Dita. ‘HERA: Evropský výzkum v humanitních vědách’ [‘HERA: European research in the humanities’], in Harmonie, no. 8 (2019), 38-39.
→ Via this link you can read the publications in Czech and English
H. Contributions to music magazines and newsletters
Gembicki, Bartłomiej. ‘Nieszpory Monteverdiego?’ [‘Monteverdi’s Vespers?’], in Ruch Muzyczny, no. 12 (2017), 8-12. → www.ruchmuzyczny.art.pl
Hascher-Burger, Ulrike. ‘From the editors’ (report about the Soundme project). Klankbord. Newsletter for Ancient and Medieval Music 23 (2017), 1. → www.klankbordsite.nl
Lindhout, Rianne. ‘Music of the past already highly valued in the Middle Ages’ (10 December 2019). → www.nwo.nl
Louviot, Manon. ‘Reforming liturgy from the inside: presentation of a PhD project”. Klankbord. Newsletter for Ancient and Medieval Music 23 (2017), 2. → www.klankbordsite.nl