
In this research project, we worked with 5 research teams and 6 associate partners.

Research teams

 Name Role Country
Charles University in Prague (Prague team) Partner Czech Republic
Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw team) Partner Poland
Heidelberg University/University of Zurich (Heidelberg team) Partner Germany/Switzerland
University of Cambridge (Cambridge team) Partner United Kingdom
Utrecht University (Utrecht team) Coordinator The Netherlands

Associate partners

 Name Role Country
Anonymous III Associate Partner United Kingdom
Bastarda → website Associate Partner Poland
La Morra → website Associate Partner Switzerland
Schola Gregoriana Pragensis → website Associate Partner Czech Republic
Soundspace/Spacesound Associate Partner Czech Republic
Trigon Ensemble → website Associate Partner The Netherlands

Our work can be divided into 4 categories:

  1. The Cambridge team addressed the cultural and intellectual background of the first large-scale retrospective music collections ever produced in Europe in the time of saintly French king Louis IX in Paris.
  2. Researchers in Utrecht explored the music cultivated by followers of the Modern Devotion in late-medieval Utrecht and of early-modern Beguines in Amsterdam, both evoking earlier, ‘better’ times through their choices of musical style and repertoire.
  3. The teams in Heidelberg/Zurich, Prague and Warsaw investigated the Lutheran liturgies of 16th-century Germany, and the enigmatic ‘retrospective’ musical practices of 14th, 15th and 16th-century Bohemia and Poland, which all sought to own the cultural capital invested in the past through cultivating ‘old-fashioned’, even ‘archaic’ musical styles.
  4. The Associate Partners disseminated our research results to the general public. They did so through innovative and traditional concert formats as well as via targeted media appearances on our own → YouTube video channel.