Jan Ciglbauer DAAD fellow at Hamburg University

Hamburg. Photo: Jan Ciglbauer.
In November 2018, Jan Ciglbauer (Prague team) spent a month conducting research at the Hamburg University Library. His stay was funded by DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service). In the course of his stay, he gave a lecture at the Institute of Historical Musicology. The lecture, entitled Musik an der Prager Universität bis ca. 1450: eine Rekonstruktion (Music at Prague University until ca. 1450: a reconstruction) was dedicated to the liturgy in Central European university colleges, a topic he is researching within the framework of the SoundMe project. The event was well attended by postgraduate students, professors and postdoctoral researchers, and resulted in a fruitful discussion about new possibilities to investigate the musical culture of the 15th century in Central Europe by looking at non-musical sources.