Workshop ‘Preserving and Transforming Sound Memories’

Paweł Gancarczyk, Jan Ciglbauer and Adam Mathias.
10 and 13 April 2018, Prague & Warsaw
This workshop organised in cooperation between the Prague, Cambridge and Warsaw teams including Associate Partners Schola Gregoriana Pragensis and Anonymous III investigated some basic issues of the SoundMe project through three specific types of musical material:
- various realisations of 13th-century clausulae,
- monophonic song of French origin and its different transformations in Central European sources,
- different polyphonic settings of a late medieval song
Live performance within this workshop enabled direct comparison between different musical settings and provided a unique opportunity to assess these changes and to explore their sonic implications.
In → this PDF you can find more information on the workshop.
Below you can hear a performance by Anonymous III during the workshop in Prague.