Polish jazz musicians create new music based on pieces researched by Warsaw SoundMe team

The Bastarda CD (2017).
On Sunday 22 October 2017, the members of the Warsaw SoundMe team and project leader Karl Kügle (Utrecht team) attended a concert at Polskie Radio (Polish Radio) in Warsaw. Reputed Polish jazz musician Paweł Szamburski (b. 1980) and his group Bastarda presented their debut album Promitat eterno in a live performance.
The album consists of seven newly created pieces for which Paweł Szamburski took inspiration from the works of Petrus Wilhelmi de Grudencz (1392-after 1452), a fifteenth-century musician whose pieces are central to the work of the Warsaw team leader Paweł Gancarczyk.
The SoundMe teams are extremely excited about this evidence of the impact of their work and plan to stimulate other contemporary musicians to make creative use of the music of the past that we study, for the active enjoyment of listeners worldwide today.
For a free taste of the music, visit