Christine Roth and Manon Louviot conduct research at the Herzog August Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel

St. Peter and Paul Church in Heiningen.
PhD candidates Christine Roth (Heidelberg) and Manon Louviot (Utrecht) undertook research at the Herzog August Bibliothek (HAB) in Wolfenbüttel in August and September 2017.
Christine Roth spent two months as a guest researcher at the HAB Wolfenbüttel researching Lutheran music collections. She investigated manuscript and print collections from the 16th– and early 17th-centuries as documents of conscious music collecting. Working with historiographical treatises, accounts on music history, and music theory complemented her ongoing research on Lutheran historiographical thinking and the relation between tradition and music in Lutheranism. Research trips to nearby archives and city libraries enhanced her work on the ecclesiastical music culture in Northern German cities.
Manon Louviot spent two weeks (18-29 September) as a guest researcher at the HAB Wolfenbüttel working with liturgical manuscripts from three female monasteries of Northern Germany. She focused especially on both notated and unnotated brevaries in order to identify the possible liturgical impact of the reform that took place in the 1450s. She also worked in the archives of Wolfenbüttel and Göttingen to collect contextual documentation linked with these monasteries. These investigations will certainly enhance her forthcoming dissertation.