Paper by Bartłomiej Gembicki opens new season of SoundMe seminars in Warsaw

Gembicki opens SoundMe season by presenting his new paper in Warsaw.
On 10 October 2017 Bartłomiej Gembicki presented his research at the 5th “SoundMe” seminar in Warsaw. He discussed early 17th century Italian music for Vespers, relying on sources ranging from early music prints to contemporary CD covers. By doing so, he disclosed the motivations and strategies that established the myth of Venetian Vespers music, highlighting how this shapes modern popular perception of early baroque music. The paper was followed by a lively discussion, which centred on the role of the musicologist as the receiver/constructor of the musical past.
Gembicki’s paper opened a new season of SoundMe seminars in Warsaw. These seminars have been taking place at the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences since December 2016. Every meeting is attended by some 20 researchers and students from various academic institutions in Poland.
Results of research are presented both by members of the SoundMe project and by invited guests (PhD students or PostDocs) who are working on diverse forms in which the music of the past is present in the culture of the 15th-17th centuries. Papers are presented in Polish or English, and the seminars are chaired by Paweł Gancarczyk.
Four further seminars are planned for the academic year 2017/2018. Papers presented in the previous academic year are:
13 December 2016: Antonio Chemotti (SoundMe), Music for the dead in Italy, 1550‒1650.
28 February 2017: Bartłomiej Gembicki (SoundMe), „Havete veduto che vi sia segni del cantar a dui chori?”. Muzyka i autorytet ksiąg liturgicznych w kościele św. Marka w Wenecji [„Havete veduto che vi sia segni del cantar a dui chori?”. Music and the authority of liturgical books at the church of St Mark in Venice].
16 May 2017: Jacek Iwaszko (University of Warsaw), Wawelski rękopis Kk I.2 ze zbiorów roranckich ‒ historia, praktyka i nowe ustalenia [The manuscript Kk I.2 from the Rorantist collection in Cracow: history, practice and new findings].
20 June 2017: Antonio Chemotti (SoundMe), Musical past and regionalism in Valentin Triller’s Ein Schlesich singebüchlein (Wrocław 1555).