Warsaw team presents research in Wrocław

Ein Christlich Singebuch (Wrocław, Crispin Scharffenberg, 1559). With kind
permission of the University of Warsaw Library.
On Tuesday 12 September 2017 Antonio Chemotti (Warsaw team) presented his “Sound Memories” research project at the international conference Die Musikkultur der evangelischen Kirchengemeinden in Breslau. Gestaltung ihrer Tradition und die musikalische Ökumene (Wrocław, 11-13 September 2017).
The session, devoted to the early modern musical culture of Wrocław, was chaired by another member of the Warsaw team, Paweł Gancarczyk.
Following this conference, Antonio then conducted research at the University Library of Wrocław, focussing on the output of the 16th-century printer Crispin Scharffenberg, a fundamental figure for the dissemination and cultivation of Lutheran hymns in Silesia.