
SoundMe project on Polish public radio

In January 2017 listeners to 2 Polish radio stations had the opportunity of learning about the main ideas behind the SoundMe project, and about the research being conducted by the Warsaw team.

During the programme Wieczór RDC (Evening with Radio for You) broadcast by the station Radio dla Ciebie, Prof. Paweł Gancarczyk talked about the special features of research into early music, and the ways in which the ‘musical past’ is present in musical culture of the 15th and 16th centuries.

Alongside the HERA project he also talked about the other activities of the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences in the field of early music, particularly the latest editions in the series Monumenta Musicae in Polonia. The 25-minute conversation was broadcast on the evening of 11 January, and → its full version can be found here.

Listeners to the national Programme 2 of Polish Radio, a station which specialises in presenting classical music, literature and other aspects of ‘high’ culture, also had the opportunity of learning about project HERA. In the programme The European Magazine broadcast on 21 January, Prof. Paweł Gancarczyk explained the principles behind the SoundMe project in an interview with Hanna Szczęśniak.

He referred to specific examples of the presence of ‘music of the past’ in the culture of early modern Venice and that of the Lutherans in Silesia during the 16th century. He pointed to the significant role of the project in breaking through the existing paradigms in the history of music and in discovering forgotten musical repertoire. → The 10-minute interview may be heard here (starting from the 20th minute).